DSCI 554 lecture 8

Depth perception and design, maps

Dr. Luciano Nocera


  • Depth perception and design considerations
  • Introduction to maps
  • How maps are built?
  • Maps projections and their uses
  • Working with maps

Perceptual egocentric space

Decreased depth information in towards-away because of object occlusions

Depth information and depth cues

M. J. Tovee, An introduction to the visual system, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996
  • Accommodation: coordinated changes in vergence, lens shape and pupil size
  • Convergence: movement of both eyes to center image is in the retina
  • Myosis: constriction (squeezing) of the pupil
Visual > Monocular > Static

Classic pictorial (i.e., in static image) cues

  • Occlusions
  • Linear perspective convergence
  • Relative size, familiar size
  • Texture gradient
  • Shadows
  • Shading
  • Defocus blur
  • Atmospheric perspective
Pictorial > Occlusions

An object blocks another

Perdreau F, Cavanagh P. Do artists see their retinas?. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2011
Pictorial > Linear perspective convergence

Parallel lines appear to converge at some point in the distance

St. Peter Healing a Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha, Masolino, 1425
Pictorial > Relative size, familiar size: object size
Retinal projection is:
- proportional to object size
- inversely proportional to the object distance
Pictorial > Relative size, familiar size: Relative height

Object closer to the horizon are farther – up

Pictorial > Texture gradients

Density, perspective (foreshortening) and distortion of texture
elements between closer and farther away objects

Pictorial > Shadows

Dark area where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object

Pictorial > Shading

Depicting depth in 3D models or illustrations by varying levels of darkness

Zumba Crater: Fresh 3-Km Crater, Mars. 04 May 2007, NASA/JPL University of Arizona
Pictorial > Defocus Blur

Aberration in which an image is out of focus

Pictorial > Atmospheric Effects
Farther objects:
- less distinct,
- colors less saturated,
- mountains in the back appear more blue
Paul Cézanne, Mont St. Victoire c. 1887
Visual > Monocular > Motion-based > Motion parallax

Closer objects move faster than farther away objects

Parallax scrolling uses layers of animated sprites to create the illusion of depth
Visual > Monocular > Motion-based > Occlusion in motion

With deletion and accretion a moving object appears faster than farther

Object becomes occluded
Object reappears
Visual > Monocular > Motion-based > Structure from motion

Depth cues from different points of view or moving object

This is an animation of a 3-d shape rocking back and forth, thus cued by relative motion. The dots that carry the motion flicker occasionally so as to eliminate the possible cue of changing local dot density. Despite the elimination of that cue and the flicker, it is relatively easy to perceive (and to judge) the 3-d shape. [M. Landy]
Visual > Binocular > Stereopsis

Depth cues from both eyes

Biological evidence: binocular cells [Hubel & Wiesel 1952, 1969], disparity detectors [Pettigrew 1967]

Some (more) illusions

Size constancy (Ponzo) illusion

Psychologist Mario Ponzo suggested that the human mind
judges an object's size based on its background

Ponzo Illusion 1911

Poggendorff illusion

Muller-Lyer Illusion

Created by German psychiatrist Franz Muller-Lyer in 1889
One explanation is that opened arrows are perceived as farther away.

Necker cube illusion

Shepard turning tables illusion [Shepard 90]

The visual system interprets 2D shape information in 3D

This illusion is based on a drawing of two parallelograms, identical aside from a rotation of 90 degrees. When the parallelograms are presented as tabletops, however, we see them as objects in three-dimensional space. Note that real tables have different geometry. Open with Inkscape: shepard_table.svg
Ames room: what cues are at play? Relative size, familiar size, perspective convergence

Design considerations

What is wrong with this chart? Occlusions, confusing texture, confusing shapes, Necker illusion, projection
What is wrong with these charts? Cancer survival rates: tables, slopegraphs, barcharts, E. Tufte

Popular 3D design techniques

2.5D design

2.5D design + constrained navigation

Isometric projection: orthographic projection with coordinate axes
appearing equally foreshortened and at 120 degrees from each other


  • Depth perception and design considerations
  • Introduction to maps
  • How maps are built?
  • Maps projections and their uses
  • Working with maps
Original map by John Snow showing the clusters of cholera cases in the London epidemic of 1854 [Snow 1854]
Update of John Snow's London cholera epidemic [Regmarad 1960]

Thematic Maps

Dot Map Can be used to locate each occurrence of a phenomenon. One-to-one or one-to-many.
Cartogram Area used to display value. Distortion used to show continuous variables
Choropleth Areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to variable.
Symbol Map
Scaled symbols show data for areas/locations. Also called Graduated Symbol Map.
Isopleth Use contours to show continuous variables. Also called Isarithmic.
Continuous area cartograms with D3 and TopoJSON repository and example.

Dasymetric map (choropleth map) [Semenov-Tyan-Shansky 1911]

Refined choropleth map where ancillary information is used to model a phenomena

tract data + population density + land cover
(ancillary data)
= dasymetric map
Mennis, J. Generating surface models of population using dasymetric mapping. The Professional Geographer, 2003.


  • Depth perception and design considerations
  • Introduction to maps
  • How maps are built?
  • Maps projections and their uses
  • Working with maps

How maps are built?


Reference ellipsoid

World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84), used for GPS

Geographic coordinates

$(\lambda, \phi) = (\text{longitude}, \text{latitude})$ angles (degrees)

Geographic vs. geocentric latitude

If not specified $\rightarrow$ geographic $\phi$

Geodetic datum

A coordinate system and reference to locate places defined by a horizontal and a vertical datum

  • Horizontal datum: defined by a reference ellipsoid
  • Vertical datum: defined by the way we measure elevation:
    • Geodetic if based on ellipsoid of horizontal datum
    • Tidal if based on sea levels
    • Gravimetric if based on a geoid


Geoid undulation in false color, to scale. By International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM)

Geocentric vs. local geodetic datum

Defined by the type of horizontal datum used

Geocentric datum

Good for global applications

Local datum

Good for regional applications

How maps are built?


Map projection

All projections introduce some distortion Tissot’s indicatrix by Jason Davies

Properties preserved in maps

NameProperty preserved
ConformalShape of small regions. At any point same scale in all directions, $90^{o}$ between parallels and meridians, angles preserved at each point.
Equal-areaAreas proportional to areas on Earth
EquidistantScale along one or more lines, or from one or two points to all other points
Azimuthal (true direction)Directions from a central point: great circles through the central point are straight lines
Can you have a map that is both conformal and equal-area?
Cannot flatten an orange peal without tearing!


  • Depth perception and design considerations
  • Introduction to maps
  • How maps are built?
  • Maps projections and their uses
  • Working with maps

Named projections types

Named after the developable surface$^{*}$ used

* Developable surface: surface that can be unfolded or unrolled into a plane or sheet without stretching, tearing or shrinking

Named projections sub-types

Based on intersection and orientation

Name Example
Intersection Tangent or Secant
Name Example
Orientation Normal

Lambert azimuthal equal area

Projection: azimuthal, equal-area

  • Named after Johann H. Lambert
  • Useful for choropleth maps
National Atlas of the United States, United States Department of the Interior (2002)

Albers conic

Projection: conic, Equal Area

  • Named after Heinrich C. Albers
  • Used by the United States Geological Survey and Census Bureau
  • Useful for choropleth maps
Albers USA U.S.-centric composite projection of 3 Albers equal-area conic projections. Alaska is at $0.35x$ of its true relative area.

Lambert conformal conic (LCC)

Projection: conic, conformal

  • Named after Johann H. Lambert
  • Useful for aeronautical charts
Aeronautical chart on Lambert conformal conic projection.

Mercator projection

Projection: Cylindrical, Conformal

  • Named after Gerardus Mercator
  • Standard for Web mapping applications
  • Variations include Web Mercator, Google Web Mercator, Spherical Mercator, WGS 84 Web Mercator
Google Maps uses Google Web Mercator

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Projection: Secant cylindrical transverse, conformal

  • Named after Gerardus Mercator
  • Over $61 x 6^{o}$ zones
Lidar points in UTM coordinates from Gao, Z., Nocera, L., Wang, M. & Neumann, U. Visualizing aerial LiDAR cities with hierarchical hybrid point-polygon structures, Graphics Interface Conference, 2014.
Cartesian coordinates in meters as Easting and Northing: 48 N 377299m 1483035m


  • Depth perception and design considerations
  • Introduction to maps
  • How maps are built?
  • Maps projections and their uses
  • Working with maps

Map formats



Map data formats and software

Format Software
Raster image, e.g., png, jpeg Rendered with d3
Vector image, i.e., svg SVG created with d3
Raster or vector tiles, a.k.a. slippy maps Leaflet, Mapbox, Google Maps ...
JSON format: GeoJSON, TopoJSON D3, Vega-Lite, Vega, Leaflet, Mapbox...
Shapefiles (ESRI proprietary format) Specific map map apps and specialized GIS software

Tile Maps (Slippy Maps)

Tiles are served by a Tile Maps Service (TMS)

					OSM: http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
					OSM B&W: http://{s}.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
					OpenCycleMap: http://{s}.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
					MapQuest: http://otile{s}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/sat/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
					MapQuest-OSM: http://otile{s}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
					Stamen: http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/watercolor/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg
					OSM Mapnik bw: http://{s}.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

Slippy Map with Mapbox

Mapbox GL JS API


				      "properties":{"name":"Puerto Rico"},
Example GeoJSON of Alabama, Alaska and Puerto Rico boundaries


Geometry: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection

					"geometry": {
					  "type": "Point",
					  "coordinates": [-118.2851, 34.0224]
Feature: one or more geometry object with properties that can be used to encode the data

					  "type": "Feature",
					  "geometry": {
					    "type": "Point",
					    "coordinates": [-118.2851, 34.0224]
					  "properties": { "name": "USC" }
FeatureCollection: one or more Features

					  "type": "FeatureCollection",
					  "features": [ ... ]

Duplicate boundaries with GeoJSON (large file size)


GeoJSON extension encoding topology where the Geometry is indexed with arcs
Up to 80% smaller than GeoJSON
See How To Infer Topology, Mike Bostok

					  "type": "Topology",
					  "transform": {
					    "scale": [0.036003600360036005, 0.017361589674592462],
					    "translate": [-180, -89.99892578124998]
					  "objects": {
					    "aruba": {
					      "type": "Polygon",
					      "arcs": [[0]],
					      "id": 533
					  "arcs": [
					    [[3058, 5901], [0, -2], [-2, 1], [-1, 3], [-2, 3], [0, 3], [1, 1], [1, -3], [2, -5], [1, -1]]
topojson/topojson Wiki ▸ Introduction

Maps with D3

Using GeoJSON with d3

					<svg width="960" height="600"></svg>

					var svg = d3.select("svg"),
					  width = +svg.attr("width"),
					  height = +svg.attr("height");

					d3.json("us.json").then(json => {  //1. load GeoJSON or TopoJSON

					var projection = d3.geoAlbersUsa()  //2. set-up a projection (lat, lon) → (x, y)
					  .fitSize([width, height], json);

					var path = d3.geoPath()  //3. set-up a geographic path generator: feature → path

					  .data(json.features)  //4. perform a data join with features
					  .attr("fill", "white")
					  .attr("stroke", "black")
					  .attr("d", path);  //apply the path generator to set the path d attribute
d3.geoPath d3.geoAlbersUsa See d3-geo

Using TopoJSON with d3

				<svg width="960" height="600"></svg>

				  d3.json("us-10m.v1.json").then(function (us) {  //us-10m.v1.json contains projected TopoJSON
				  var path = d3.geoPath();  //set-up path generator
				  //no projection needed as TopoJSON is already projected!
					var svg = d3.select("svg");
				      .attr("class", "states")
								topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states).features  //convert TopoJSON → GeoJSON
				      .attr("d", path);

				      .attr("class", "state-borders")
				      .attr("d", path( //generate path for GeoJSON features of interior boundaries
								topojson.mesh(us, us.objects.states, function (a, b) { return a !== b; })
See topojson.feature, topojson.mesh

Additional Notes on GeoJSON and TopoJSON

  • Arbitrary extensions, e.g., .json, .geojson, .topojson
  • Load with d3.json
  • Specify geometry in geographical or projected coordinates
  • Encode the data: