Dr. Luciano Nocera
Classic pictorial (i.e., in static image) cues
An object blocks another
Parallel lines appear to converge at some point in the distance
Object closer to the horizon are farther – up
Density, perspective (foreshortening) and distortion of texture
elements between closer and farther away objects
Dark area where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object
Depicting depth in 3D models or illustrations by varying levels of darkness
Aberration in which an image is out of focus
Closer objects move faster than farther away objects
Parallax scrollinguses layers of animated sprites to create the illusion of depth
With deletion and accretion a moving object appears faster than farther
Depth cues from different points of view or moving object
Depth cues from both eyes
binocular cells[Hubel & Wiesel 1952, 1969],
disparity detectors[Pettigrew 1967]
Psychologist Mario Ponzo suggested that the human mind
judges an object's size based on its background
Created by German psychiatrist Franz Muller-Lyer in 1889
One explanation is that opened arrows are perceived as farther away.
The visual system interprets 2D shape information in 3D
Refined choropleth map where ancillary information is used to model a phenomena
+ |
+ |
(ancillary data) |
= |
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84), used for GPS
$(\lambda, \phi) = (\text{longitude}, \text{latitude})$ angles (degrees)
If not specified $\rightarrow$ geographic $\phi$
A coordinate system and reference to locate places defined by a horizontal and a vertical datum
Geodeticif based on ellipsoid of horizontal datum
Tidalif based on sea levels
Gravimetricif based on a geoid
Defined by the type of horizontal datum used
Geocentric datum
Good for global applicationsLocal datum
Good for regional applicationsName | Property preserved |
Conformal | Shape of small regions. At any point same scale in all directions, $90^{o}$ between parallels and meridians, angles preserved at each point. |
Equal-area | Areas proportional to areas on Earth |
Equidistant | Scale along one or more lines, or from one or two points to all other points |
Azimuthal (true direction) | Directions from a central point: great circles through the central point are straight lines |
Named after the developable surface$^{*}$ used
Cylindrical | |
Conical | |
Azimuthal |
Based on intersection and orientation
Name | Example | |
Intersection | Tangent or Secant |
Name | Example | |
Orientation | Normal | |
Transverse | ||
Oblique |
Cartesian coordinates in meters as Easting and Northing:
48 N 377299m 1483035m
Format | Software |
Raster image, e.g., png, jpeg | Rendered with d3 |
Vector image, i.e., svg | SVG created with d3 |
Raster or vector tiles, a.k.a. slippy maps | Leaflet, Mapbox, Google Maps ... |
JSON format: GeoJSON, TopoJSON | D3, Vega-Lite, Vega, Leaflet, Mapbox... |
Shapefiles (ESRI proprietary format) | Specific map map apps and specialized GIS software |
OSM: http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
OSM B&W: http://{s}.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
OpenCycleMap: http://{s}.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
MapQuest: http://otile{s}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/sat/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
MapQuest-OSM: http://otile{s}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
Stamen: http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/watercolor/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg
OSM Mapnik bw: http://{s}.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
"properties":{"name":"Puerto Rico"},
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-118.2851, 34.0224]
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-118.2851, 34.0224]
"properties": { "name": "USC" }
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [ ... ]
Up to 80% smaller than GeoJSON
"type": "Topology",
"transform": {
"scale": [0.036003600360036005, 0.017361589674592462],
"translate": [-180, -89.99892578124998]
"objects": {
"aruba": {
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[0]],
"id": 533
"arcs": [
[[3058, 5901], [0, -2], [-2, 1], [-1, 3], [-2, 3], [0, 3], [1, 1], [1, -3], [2, -5], [1, -1]]
<svg width="960" height="600"></svg>
var svg = d3.select("svg"),
width = +svg.attr("width"),
height = +svg.attr("height");
d3.json("us.json").then(json => { //1. load GeoJSON or TopoJSON
var projection = d3.geoAlbersUsa() //2. set-up a projection (lat, lon) → (x, y)
.fitSize([width, height], json);
var path = d3.geoPath() //3. set-up a geographic path generator: feature → path
.data(json.features) //4. perform a data join with features
.attr("fill", "white")
.attr("stroke", "black")
.attr("d", path); //apply the path generator to set the path d attribute
<svg width="960" height="600"></svg>
d3.json("us-10m.v1.json").then(function (us) { //us-10m.v1.json contains projected TopoJSON
var path = d3.geoPath(); //set-up path generator
//no projection needed as TopoJSON is already projected!
var svg = d3.select("svg");
.attr("class", "states")
topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states).features //convert TopoJSON → GeoJSON
.attr("d", path);
.attr("class", "state-borders")
.attr("d", path( //generate path for GeoJSON features of interior boundaries
topojson.mesh(us, us.objects.states, function (a, b) { return a !== b; })