DSCI lecture 2

Survey of visualization techniques, introduction to Web technologies

Dr. Luciano Nocera


  • Data
  • Visualization Techniques
  • Introduction to WEB Technologies
Data is plural
(from the latin what is given)

A given piece of data is called a datum

Categorical Data

Nominal No natural ordering
$= \neq$
Ex: gender, ethnicity, nationality
Ordinal Logical ordering but difference not meaningful
$= \neq < >$
Ex: levels of happiness, levels of difficulty

Qualified Categorical Data

Binomial (e.g., right/left, true/false)

Dichotomous (e.g., hot/cold)
Non-dichotomous (e.g., Likert scale)

Numerical Data

Ratio Ordered, differences & doubling meaningful, 0 fixed
$= \neq < > - \%$
Ex: temperature in Kelvin ($40^{o}K = 2 \times 20^{o}K$), length, height
Interval Ordered, differences meaningful, doubling not meaningful, 0 arbitrary
$= \neq < > -$
Ex: temperature in Celsius ($40^{o}C \neq 2 \times 20^{o}C$), dates, locations
What is the type of dollar amounts?

  1. Dichotomous
  2. Nominal
  3. Interval
  4. Ratio $\leftarrow$
What is the type of this data?
Chinese, French, American, Greek, Swiss

  1. Quantitative Interval
  2. Quantitative Ratio
  3. Qualitative Nominal
  4. Qualitative Ordinal
What is the type of this data in Fahrenheit scale?
$60^{o}F, 70^{o}F, 80^{o}F, 90^{o}F, 100^{o}F, 110^{o}F$

  1. Numerical Interval
  2. Numerical Ratio
  3. Categorical Nominal
  4. Categorical Ordinal
What is the type of this data?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
  1. Quantitative Interval
  2. Quantitative Ratio
  3. Categorical Ordinal
  4. Categorical Nominal

Data Models

Conceptual Semantic description of data entities and their relations
Logical Implementation independent data design representation
Physical Implementation dependent details by which data is actually stored
Logical data model example: an entity–relationship diagram for an MMORPG using Chen's notation.
Conceptual model
Logical model
Physical model
Relational data model example

Visualization reference model

Card, Stuart, J. D. Mackinlay, and B. Shneiderman. "Information visualization." Human-computer interaction: design issues, solutions, and applications. 2009.


  • Data
  • Visualization Techniques
  • Introduction to WEB Technologies

Common visualizations techniques

  1. Charts
  2. Graphs and Trees
  3. Clouds
  4. Temporal
  5. Geospatial and Mapping
1. Charts: dots
2+ variables in Cartesian coordinates
Bubble chart
3 continuous variables: bubble center (2) and radius (1)
1. Charts: bars
Bar chart
Bar length proportional to continuous variable
Lollipop chart
Line length proportional to continuous variable and data point
1. Charts: bar layouts
Coxcomb Chart
Same angle, radius encodes value, colors different categories. Stacked bar chart with radial layout.
Marimekko chart
Bar chart where the width encodes relative size. Also called Mekko chart.
Waterfall chart
Cumulative effects of sequence of positive and negative variations
1. Charts: pies
Pie chart
Exploded pie chart. Pie charts, are a stacked bar charts in polar coordinates. Angle encodes proportion.
Donut chart
Pie Chart with centre area cut out. Angle encodes proportion.
1. Charts: lines
Line Chart
Trends on continuous variables, e.g., time-series
Trends on small window size [Tufte 2004]
1. Charts: line layouts
Shows data values, trends [Tufte 1983]
Parallel Coordinates
Multivariate data.
Radar Chart
Multivariate data. Also named web, spider, star, cobweb, polar, or Kiviat.
1. Charts: area
Area Chart
Show cumulative or proportions and trends
Type of stacked area graph which is displaced around a central axis, resulting in a flowing, organic shape
2. Graphs and Trees: hierarchies
From Greek dendro tree and gramma drawing.
Reingold–Tilford Tree
Hierarchical data as linked tree
2. Graphs and Trees: hierarchies
Hierarchical data as nested rectangles. Area proportional to value.
Hierarchical data as rings. Center is root node. Angles are equal or proportional to value.
2. Graphs and Trees: flowcharts
Alluvial diagram
Shows relations between multivariate data. Named after alluvial fans formed by soil deposited by streaming water.
Sankey Diagram
Magnitude of flow between nodes in a network
2. Graphs and Trees: networks
Network Graph
Relationships (lines) between entities (nodes)
2. Graphs and Trees: matrix
Heat map
Matrix values as colors
Chord Diagram
Shows directed relationships among a group of entities in a matrix
3. Clouds
Word Cloud
Bubble Cloud
Circle Packing
Bubble cloud technique with hierarchical information as enclosing circles

4. Temporal

Time series plot
Values ordered in time as a line chart
Gantt Chart
Schedule with tasks layed out on time axis
Events layed out on time axis
5. Geospatial and Mapping: thematic maps (1)
Areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to variable
Proportional Symbol Map
Scaled symbols show data for areas/locations. Also called Graduated Symbol Map.
Dot Map
Can be used to locate each occurrence of a phenomenon. One-to-one or one-to-many.
5. Geospatial and Mapping: thematic maps (2)
Area used to display value. Distortion used to show continuous variables
Use contours to show continuous variables. Also called Isarithmic.

5. Geospatial and Mapping: other named

Detailed quantitative representation of land relief using contour lines
Charts of maritime/coastal area
Image based
Using satellite or aerial imagery
Napoleon's Russian campaign of 1812, Charles Joseph Minard, 1861


  • Data
  • Visualization Techniques
  • Introduction to WEB Technologies

The Web

  • URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) used to query servers
  • HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) used to transfer

Client Server
Browsers render:
  • Execute Javascript
Servers (e.g., node, nginx, Apache) serve:
  • Static and dynamic HTML pages
  • Content: text, CSV, images,...

Asynchronous JavaScript & HTML (AJAX)

Web languages

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Javascript


  • HTML stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language
  • Defines the page semantics or meaning
  • Whitespace and line breaks disregarded
  • HTML document as a tree of HTML elements
  • Elements specified as tags with attributes:
    <tag attribute="value"></tag>
  • Two attributes used to identify elements:
    • class: class of elements, multiple classes per element
      								<tag class="definition blue"></tag>
    • id: uniquely identify an element, only one id per document
      								<tag id="tag0"></tag>

1. HTML $ > $ basic elements

Element Description
<!DOCTYPE html> Standard document type declaration (first line of document).
html Surrounds all HTML content in a document.
head Tag containing all document metadata (e.g., title).
title Title shown on top of browser window.
body Visible content in the page.
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 Headers of different levels.
p Paragraph (block-level element).
span Portion of text (inline element).
div Division within the document (block-level element).
em Emphasize text, rendered in italic.
strong, b Emphasize text, rendered in boldface.
a Hyperlink, rendered in underlined, blue text.
svg SVG element for rendering vector graphics.

1. HTML $ > $ page template (index.html)

					<!DOCTYPE html>
						<title>Page title</title>

						<!-- This is an HTML comment -->
						<!-- Visible HTML elements are placed in the body -->

1. HTML $ > $ SVG

  • SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics
  • Used for 2D vector graphics, not for raster (images) or 3D

					<svg width="800" height="260" style="background-color: honeydew">
					  <circle cx="300" cy="200" r="50" fill="steelblue"/>
					  <text x="300" y="200">Apples</text>
					  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="50" fill="orange"/>
					  <text x="100" y="100">Pears</text>
					  <rect x="500" y="50" width="200" height="100" fill="orange"/>
					  <text x="450" y="100">Oranges</text>
Apples Pears Oranges MDN - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics

2. CSS

  • CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
  • Used to define the appearance of HTML elements

2. CSS $ > $ including in Web pages

Inline overrides Embedded overrides External
  1. Inline
    						  <p style="color: blue">Inline style</p>
  2. Embedded
    						  p { color: blue; }
  3. External
    							  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
    							  <!-- p { color: blue; } placed in style.css -->

2. CSS $ > $ selectors

Selectors are specified as element name, class or id attributes
div div elements
.foo elements with class foo
#foo elements with id foo
div.foo div elements with class foo
div#foo div elements with id foo
div   .foo elements with class foo inside a div
div   #foo elements with id foo inside a div
div , .foo div elements and elements with class foo
div p .foo elements with class foo in a p in a div

2. CSS $ > $ selectors examples

					h1 {
					  color: red; }  /* all h1 */

					h1, h2 {
					  font-weight: bold; } /* all h1 and h2 */

					h1 h2 {
					  font-weight: bold; } /* all h2 inside h1 */

					p strong { /* all strong inside p */
					  color: orange;
					  font-weight: bold; }

					#chapter1 {
					  color: blue }  /* element with id chapter1 */

					.pastoral {
					  color: green }  /* all with class pastoral */
Later rules override earlier ones when more than one selector applies to an element
What elements the following CSS rule selects:

						div,a.important {
						  color: 'red'
  1. Hyperlinks with class important inside a div
  2. Hyperlink with class important and div elements
  3. Hyperlink with id important inside a div
  4. Hyperlink with id important and div elements

3. Javascript

Published in The Sentinel of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Dec 4, 1995.
  • Scripting language for Web pages
  • Created by Brendan Eich
  • Some resemblances with Java
  • Implemented in browsers and non-browser, e.g., node
  • MDN JavaScript documentation
  • Web standard versions, e.g., ES5

3. Javascript $>$ uses in browsers

  • User interaction
  • Asynchronous communications
  • Control the browser
  • Alter the content

3. Javascript $>$ including in Web pages

  1. Inline
    							<script type="text/javascript">
    							  //JavaScript code here
  2. External
    							<script src="script.js"></script>

3. Javascript $>$ main features

  • Object-oriented language
  • Everything is mutable
  • Dynamic typing
  • Function level scope
  • First-class functions

3. Javascript $>$ main features

  • Object-oriented language
    							//denotes a comment
    							obj = {first: 'Joseph', last: 'Priestley'}; //object literal
    							obj.first  //'Joseph'
  • Everything is mutable
  • Dynamic typing
  • Function level scope
  • First-class functions

3. Javascript $>$ main features

  • Object-oriented language
  • Everything is mutable
    							obj = {first: 'Joseph', last: 'Priestley'};
    							obj.first = 'Joe'  //now first is 'Joe'
  • Dynamic typing
  • Function level scope
  • First-class functions

3. Javascript $>$ main features

  • Object-oriented language
  • Everything is mutable
  • Dynamic typing
    							//primitive types
    							var foo = true;       //Boolean
    							var foo = null;       //Null
    							var foo = undefined;  //Undefined
    							var foo = 2.3;        //Number
    							var foo = 'bar'       //String
  • Function level scope
  • First-class functions

3. Javascript $>$ main features

  • Object-oriented language
  • Everything is mutable
  • Dynamic typing
  • Function level scope
    							var b = 5;  //global scope, i.e., at the top of the script
    							function f(a) {
    							  var b = 3;  //local scope, i.e., within the scope of the function
    							  return a + b;
    							b;  //5
  • First-class functions

3. Javascript $>$ main features

  • Object-oriented language
  • Everything is mutable
  • Dynamic typing
  • Function level scope
  • First-class functions
    							//functions treated similar to any other variable
    							var pi = function() { return Math.PI; }  //assign functions to a variable
    							function add(a, f) { return a + f(); }
    							add(1, pi);  //pass functions as argument
    							function addPi() {
    							  return function(a) {  //return functions
    							    return a + Math.PI;

3. Javascript $ > $ hoisting

Hoisting refers to the moving of variable declarations at the top of their scope when the script is parsed
Declarations are moved, initializations are not moved

Before hoisting

							var a;  //declare
							a = 2;  //initialize
							var b;  //declare
							b = 5;  //initialize

							//function expression: declare & initialize
							var add = function (a, b) {
							  return a + b;
							  };  //; at the end!
							//function declaration
							function func(a) {  
							  var b = 3;  //declare & initialize
							  var c = a + b;  //declare & initialize
							  return c;

After hoisting

							var a;  //hoisted
							var b;  //hoisted
							var add;  //hoisted
							function func(a) {  //hoisted
							  var b;  //hoisted
							  var c;  //hoisted
							  b = 3;
							  c = a + b;
							  return c;
							a = 2;
							b = 5;
							add = function (a, b) {
							  return a + b;


3. Javascript $>$ closure

A closure is the combination of a function and the lexical
environment within which that function was declared.

					function exampleClosure(arg1, arg2) {  //closure example
					  var localVar = 2;
					  function exampleReturned(innerArg) {  //inner function (declaration)
					    return ((arg1 + arg2) / (localVar + innerArg));
					  return exampleReturned;  //reference to inner function

					var globalVar = exampleClosure(2, 4);

					console.log(globalVar);  //[Function: exampleReturned]

					globalVar(4);  //1 = ((2 + 4) / (2 + 4))

Javascript ES6 to know

      const { NEIGHBORHOOD_MAP } = require('../lib/utils/xtown-api');
      let neighborhoodIds = [];
      printNewsCmd.neighborhoods.forEach(d => {
       let ids = NEIGHBORHOOD_MAP.get(d).id;
       if (!ids) {
        console.log(danger('No such neighborhood id "' + info + '"'));
       ids = Array.isArray(ids) ? ids : [ids];
       neighborhoodIds = neighborhoodIds.concat(ids);
      neighborhoodIds = [...new Set(neighborhoodIds)];  //remove duplicates
      const { printNews } = require('../lib/utils/printer');
       print_settings: {
        neighborhoods: neighborhoodIds,
        image: {
         dir: FOUNDRY_CONFIG.print_defaults.news.image.dir,
         format: printNewsCmd.imageFormat,
         width: +printNewsCmd.imageWidth,
         height: +printNewsCmd.imageHeight
        user: user,
       news: fs.readJSONSync(newsFile)
      }).then(result => {
       console.log(info(' id:'), important(result.print.id));
       console.log(info(' path:'), important(result.print_settings.path));
       console.log(info(' file:'), important(result.print.file));
       result.print_settings.neighborhoods.forEach(d => {
        console.log(info(' ' + d + ':'));
        console.log(info('  file:'), important(result.print_settings.path + d + '/index.html'));
        console.log(info('  url:'), important(FOUNDRY_CONFIG.prints_url + result.print.id + '/' + d + '/index.html'));
       if (printNewsCmd.verbose) {
        console.dir(result, CONSOLE_DIR_OPTIONS);
      }).catch(err => {
       console.dir(err, CONSOLE_DIR_OPTIONS);

Javascript ES6 to know (continued)

 * print news
 * @param {Object} context print context
 * @returns {Object} printed object
const printNews = context => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const { FOUNDRY_CONFIG } = require('../config');

    const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');
    context.print = {
      id: uuidv4(),
      news_id: context.news.id,
      created: {
        user: context.print_settings.user,
        timestamp: Date.now(),
      errors: []

    context.print_settings = context.print_settings ? context.print_settings : FOUNDRY_CONFIG.print_defaults.news;
    context.print_settings.path = context.print_settings.path ? context.print_settings.path : FOUNDRY_CONFIG.prints_path;
    context.print_settings.path += context.print.id + '/';  //prints folder

    const { NEIGHBORHOOD_MAP } = require('./xtown-api');
    let neighborhoods = [];
    context.print_settings.neighborhoods.forEach(d => {
      let ids = NEIGHBORHOOD_MAP.get(d).id;
      if (!ids) {
      ids = Array.isArray(ids) ? ids : [ids];
      neighborhoods = neighborhoods.concat(ids);
    context.print_settings.neighborhoods = [...new Set(neighborhoods)];  //remove duplicates

    const newsFile = context.print_settings.path + context.print.id + FOUNDRY_CONFIG.json_ext;
    fs.writeJSONSync(newsFile, {...context.print, neighborhoods: context.print_settings.neighborhoods});
    context.print.file = newsFile;

    printNewsFiles(context).then(results => {
    }).catch(e => reject(e));