🏋🏽♂️ ex0: Google maps
🏋🏽♂️ ex1: SVG MAPS
🏋🏽♂️ ex2: MAPBOX
🏋🏽♂️ ex3: Leaflet
🏋🏽♂️ ex4: GeoJSON
🏋🏽♂️ ex5: D3 GeoJSON map
🏋🏽♂️ ex6: TopoJSON, D3 choropleth map
🏋🏽♂️ ex7: D3 LA County Communities map
🏋🏽♂️ ex8: shapefiles and GeoJSON
🏋🏽♂️ ex9: projected GeoJSON and TopoJSON
🏋🏽♂️ ex10: D3 proportional symbol map
🏋🏽♂️ ex11: D3 choropleth map
🚨 Make sure to commit & push by the deadline (15% of grade)